BistroMD review

Ranked #9 out of 10

2.4 / 5

Unfortunately, BistroMD doesn’t have an app version, but you can still order their meal programs via browser and enjoy your tasty personalized meals without the hassle of preparing foods on your own.

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General overview

BistroMD programs are created using Dr. Cederquist’s proven science for weight loss and provide convenient meals delivered to your door.

Basically, it’s a personalized food delivery service that offers 4 program types ranging from standard weight loss, diabetes-friendly, gluten-free, and menopause weight loss plan.

BMD meal plans include: 

  • A full plan of 7 days with breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus snacks
  • 5-day lunch and dinner only plan
  • Or a customizable plan to your desired amount of days and composition of foods

You simply choose your preferred plan, order your program online or by phone call. 

Then, customize your program to your needs, and then receive your desired program for the whole week or whatever amount of days of meals you chose.

Since it is available on browsers, it’s not yet mobile-friendly, and it can be a struggle for mobile users to manage their meal plans. 

Prices range from $97.47/week to $142.46/week, so it’s not a service for everyone.

Standard shipping costs $19.95, and it takes around 5–6 days for FedEx to reach your door. Tracking number included.

But if you work at the office or home and don’t want to cook healthy meals by yourself, BistroMD is a decent solution to cutting down your extra weight.

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Ranked #9 out of 10


  • Personalized meal plans for different problem areas

  • Diet analysis and support when ordering your plan

  • Individualized support

Top Diets Plans

Perfect Body
Personalized diet plan
Easy-to-follow recipes
Workout program
24/7 online support
Nutritionist consultation
Weight tracker
Shopping list
Multiple languages
Water tracker

The best all-in-one choice seems to be Perfect Body App. It has all main features and then some - like a fully personalized and easily adjustable diet plan, nutritionist consultation if in need as well as personalized workouts program and a handy shopping list.

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Pros & Cons

150+ healthy recipes

Customizable meal plan recommended by nutritionists

Fast shipping

No app version

You have to pay separately for a $19.95 delivery every week

No personalized workouts

An expensive service that is not for everyone

Generic meal plans that might not work for your body

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Get BistroMD

Unfortunately, BistroMD doesn’t have an app version, but you can still order their meal programs via browser and enjoy your tasty personalized meals without the hassle of preparing foods on your own.


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