Couch to 5K Runner review

Ranked #10 out of 10

3 / 5

It’s a walk/run interval training program, guided by an audio coach. Just plug in your headphones and the coach will tell you when to walk and when to run, helping you build stamina and get to 5K in 8 weeks.

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General overview

Couch to 5K is a running plan for absolute beginners. It was developed by a new runner, Josh Clark, who wanted to help his 50-something mum get off the couch and start running. The plan involves 3 runs a week, with a day of rest in between, and a different schedule for each of the 9 weeks.  All features are fully enabled, and is compatible with Nike+ and all other GPS apps.

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Ranked #10 out of 10


  • Human coach voiceover tells you when to walk/run

  • Can be used outdoors or on a treadmill

  • Run segments gradually increase over 8 weeks

Top Running Apps

Couch to 5K Runner
Personalized running plan
Warm-up, stretching, and cool-down exercises
Treadmill mode
Educational articles and smart tips and tricks
Personalized meal plan
Professional advice from experienced runners and specialists

The best all-in-one choice seems to be Joggo app. It has all main features and then some – like a fully personalized and easily adjustable running and meal plans from beginners to pros, professional advice from specialists if in need, as well as treadmill mode, educational content, and even audio guides.

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Pros & Cons

Designed for beginners

Easy-to-follow timer

Integrates with different apps

No mobility component in the app

GPS doesn't track efficiently

Not fully compatible with Apple Watch

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Get Couch to 5K Runner

It’s a walk/run interval training program, guided by an audio coach. Just plug in your headphones and the coach will tell you when to walk and when to run, helping you build stamina and get to 5K in 8 weeks.


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