Best Diet BOOKS

Updated: September 2024

Maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight is attainable. Choosing between thousands of contradicting diets online is hard and may negatively impact your health. If you feel overwhelmed by the diet advice online, you no longer have to worry. We have selected the best diet books which fit into your life seamlessly and work most effectively according to your body’s specific needs, helping you:

  • Feel satiated and have fewer cravings

  • Lose weight sustainably

  • Maintain your physical appearance without the fear of a “bounce back”

  • Make meal planning and preparation easy and fun

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Special offer - save 50% on a 6-month BeyondBody personalized diet + The Book - only $12.63/month

Beyond Body

Ranked #1 out of 10

4.7 / 5

Beyond Body is the world's first book that is 100% personalized to YOU and your individual health needs. It's been sold in 170 countries and has helped over 200,000 people around the world. This unique book offers a 3-minute quiz to assess your habits, health condition, food preferences, and body goals.

  • Personalized meal plan based on customer's lifestyle

  • Personalized workout plan based on customer's progress level

  • In-depth summary of the customer's body and health

  • Techniques on building lifelong healthy habits

  • 24/7 customer support

  • Community group and assistant app

Beyond Body is the world's first book that is 100% personalized to YOU and your individual health needs. It's been sold in 170 countries and has helped over 200,000 people around the world. This unique book offers a 3-minute quiz to assess your habits, health condition, food preferences, and body goals.

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Fill Your Plate, Lose the Weight

Ranked #2 out of 10

4.4 / 5

With Fill Your Plate, Lose the Weight works well as a basic dieting book, they say “you’ll never skip a meal, dream about foods on a “no” list, or count down the hours until your next meal.” Designed specifically for women over 40, this metabolism-resetting plan includes substantial portions and the right balance of carbs.

  • Substantial meals

  • Excellent for women over 40

  • High-fiber recipes

With Fill Your Plate, Lose the Weight works well as a basic dieting book, they say “you’ll never skip a meal, dream about foods on a “no” list, or count down the hours until your next meal.” Designed specifically for women over 40, this metabolism-resetting plan includes substantial portions and the right balance of carbs.

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Healthy Keto Cookbook

Ranked #3 out of 10

4.1 / 5

With the Healthy Keto Cookbook, you’ll get a breakdown of what keto is all about and how to make it work for you. You will have access to 75 recipes that work for the whole family, and tricks straight from the kitchen. Recipes are largely the same as many other Keto diet recipes.

  • Keto 101 (How to make Keto work for you)

  • 75 different recipes

  • Family-friendly recipes

  • Expert guidance

With the Healthy Keto Cookbook, you’ll get a breakdown of what keto is all about and how to make it work for you. You will have access to 75 recipes that work for the whole family, and tricks straight from the kitchen. Recipes are largely the same as many other Keto diet recipes.

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The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

Ranked #4 out of 10

3.9 / 5

The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners aims to make starting a diet less overwhelming, whilst providing the reader with an all-in-one resource for good value.

  • 14-day meal plan

  • Easy-to-follow recipes

  • A wide range of ingredients

  • Good value for money

The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners aims to make starting a diet less overwhelming, whilst providing the reader with an all-in-one resource for good value.

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The Pegan Diet

Ranked #5 out of 10

3.7 / 5

The Pegan Diet offers insight into a blend of the Paleo diet and veganism. It claims the usual diet plans are not sustainable and work for most people. It offers 30 Pegan recipes to experiment with. Written by New York Times bestselling author Mark Hyman, MD.

  • Paleo and Vegan fusion diet plan

  • 30 recipes

  • Written by New York Times bestselling author Mark Hyman MD

The Pegan Diet offers insight into a blend of the Paleo diet and veganism. It claims the usual diet plans are not sustainable and work for most people. It offers 30 Pegan recipes to experiment with. Written by New York Times bestselling author Mark Hyman, MD.

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The Meal Prep King Plan

Ranked #6 out of 10

3.4 / 5

The Meal Prep King Plan offers readers the ability to prep simple 400 calories, lost cost meals a week in advance. You can then box them up and store them in your freezer. They claim you can eat anything but trans fats.

  • 21-day meal plan

  • 80 recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

  • Calorie guidance

The Meal Prep King Plan offers readers the ability to prep simple 400 calories, lost cost meals a week in advance. You can then box them up and store them in your freezer. They claim you can eat anything but trans fats.

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The Fitness Chef: Still Tasty: 100 Lower-Calorie Versions of Your Favorite Meals

Ranked #7 out of 10

3.2 / 5

The Fitness Chef offers basic meal plans and smaller portions than many other diet books. Based on the success of the authors’ diet journey, this book is ideal for beginners.

  • Nutrition Coach

  • 100+ recipes

  • No need to replace carbs

The Fitness Chef offers basic meal plans and smaller portions than many other diet books. Based on the success of the authors’ diet journey, this book is ideal for beginners.

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Eat Better Forever

Ranked #8 out of 10

3 / 5

Eat Better Forever gives you all the tools to improve your eating habits. Everything is simple to follow, and there are some tips and tricks to help you on your way. If you have time to relearn what healthy eating is, this might be the book for you, but its considerable length may put you off.

  • Over 100 recipes

  • 7 Simple strategies

  • Sort good and bad carbs for you

  • Lots of interesting dishes

Eat Better Forever gives you all the tools to improve your eating habits. Everything is simple to follow, and there are some tips and tricks to help you on your way. If you have time to relearn what healthy eating is, this might be the book for you, but its considerable length may put you off.

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Fast. Feast. Repeat.

Ranked #9 out of 10

3 / 5

This book is based on the popular community started by Gin Stephens. After losing eighty pounds by fasting and feasting. This book can be used by diet newbies or experienced dieters. Fast Eat Repeat is very word-heavy and may take time to grasp.

  • 28-day fast start for beginners

  • Works for a variety of different experience levels

  • Large FAQ section of expert and community guidance

This book is based on the popular community started by Gin Stephens. After losing eighty pounds by fasting and feasting. This book can be used by diet newbies or experienced dieters. Fast Eat Repeat is very word-heavy and may take time to grasp.

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The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

Ranked #10 out of 10

2.9 / 5

This book tries to show the easy way to follow the Keto Diet, by limiting the number of ingredients used for each meal.

  • Simple to follow

  • Only 5 ingredients

  • Customizable options

  • Quick meals

This book tries to show the easy way to follow the Keto Diet, by limiting the number of ingredients used for each meal.

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Editor’s choice: Best Diet Books in the market

Exclusive: 50% Off

Beyond Body


Visit Beyond Body

Editor’s review

Beyond Body (formerly Perfect Body’s DNA) is the first fully personalized wellness book in the world, with more than 200,000 unique books sold in 170 countries. Unlike other books, it’s written specifically FOR YOU. Imagine a 100% personalized wellness program made only for you and developed by world-class nutrition and health experts. A simple 3-minute quiz determines your habits, health condition, food preferences, and body goals. You’ll never go back to fad diets, one-size-fits-all health programs, and sketchy advice from the web.

  • Personalized meal plan based on customer's lifestyle

  • Personalized workout plan based on customer's progress level

  • In-depth summary of the customer's body and health

  • Techniques on building lifelong healthy habits

  • 24/7 customer support

  • Community group and assistant app

Fill Your Plate, Lose the Weight


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Editor’s review

"Fill your plate, Lose the Weight is designed especially for women over 40. You will be able to enjoy substantial but balanced portions when it comes to mealtime. Join thousands of others in your journey to reach your weight goals. This book is written by celebrity nutritionist Sarah Mirkin R.D.N and contains expert guidance."

  • Substantial meals

  • Excellent for women over 40

  • High-fiber recipes

Healthy Keto Cookbook


Buy on Amazon

Editor’s review

"The Healthy Keto Cookbook gives readers access to over 75 family-friendly, easy-to-follow recipes that offer you all a balanced meal. The majority of these recipes are focused on a plant-based diet - perfect for those who want to cut down their meat consumption. It also includes a host of tips and tricks to improve your Keto experience."

  • Keto 101 (How to make Keto work for you)

  • 75 different recipes

  • Family-friendly recipes

  • Expert guidance

Choosing the best diet plans: how we rank and compare them


We believe each diet plan should be unique the way you are. The diet providers determination and processes are needed to evaluate personal factors. This is critical to get a high rating and appear at the top of the list.

Goal Orientation

Changing your nutrition is a challenge. Therefore, you need great support and a motivational system to keep you engaged and concentrated on the goal. Celebrating milestones is linked to your overall success and satisfaction levels. This is the deepest criteria category with menu different possibilities to make you succeed.

Diet Friendliness

Nobody wants to follow a diet plan that is impossible. A number of different recipes to suit, varying difficulty, preparation tutorials, and a grocery list to help simplify the shopping experience.


Good service comes at a certain price which should be reasonable and competitive. Additionally, various payment methods, a transparent cancellation policy, and a smooth refund process are all vitally important.


On your journey to a healthier you, different questions and issues might arise when you least expect them. Thus great support infrastructure on general, nutrition, sports activity questions is important for a smooth experience.


We believe that great service should not compromise your personal data and privacy. Especially when it comes to your health data.