Keto.App review

Ranked #3 out of 10

4.3 / 5

“Probably the best app for tracking net carbs and other macros”

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General overview is one of the prettiest and cleanest keto apps out there. With a sleek blue and white outlay, it presents tons of quality information in a very user-friendly format. has an extremely large database of food information and it also has product data from several different countries, making this one of the go-to keto apps if you are from outside of the US.

The app allows users to create their own meals and recipes within the app as well, so you can look up and save the nutritional information of your cherished family recipes. is also able to be integrated with Fitbit, Apple Health, and a few other complimenting apps or fitness devices. offers multiple pricing options and is great for people who would like a no-nonsense and clean platform to monitor their keto diet.

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Ranked #3 out of 10


  • Personalize your macro goals

  • Food, weight, water, and activities tracker

  • Import your activities from Fitbit

  • Synchronize with Apple’s Health app

  • Create your own meals and recipes

Top Keto Apps

Keto Cycle
Personalized diet plan
Workout program
Nutritionist consultation
Weight tracker
Shopping list
Calore tracker
Steps tracker
Water tracker

The best all-in-one choice seems to be Keto Cycle diet App. It has all main features and then some - like a fully personalized and easily adjustable diet plan, nutritionist consultation if in need as well as personalized workouts program and a handy shopping list.

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Pros & Cons

Simple and intuitive layout that goes out of its way to minimize clutter

Extremely budget friendly, only $11.99 per year

PRO membership, pay $24.99 and you have the app for life

Highly reviewed, and often recommended by users

Limited choices of exercise activities and success in accurately scanning items may vary

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“Probably the best app for tracking net carbs and other macros”


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